M4J Blog

Mayra, founder of Model4Jesus and other contributing writers, share their thoughts and revelations through the M4J Blog. Read through helpful articles and inspirations that may have hit them on their way to fashion shows, casting calls, and every day life. We pray that you will be blessed by all these writers candid thoughts.  If you have any articles or thoughts that you would like to share we would love to hear from you. 
A charity fashion show that will take place Saturday March 6, 2010 and will benefit The Pregnancy Care Center.
The festivities of the Holidays (aka: holy days) may be coming to an end. When they do, some tend to feel a little saddened, sort of at a loss and wondering what is to come? Don't fret!
Style ideas for this Christmas Season
Model4Jesus will be providing a fashion show for the Pregnancy Care Center in 2010. Participating in this walk is just my way of saying thank you to such an amazing organization. If you want to participate in the upcoming Fashion Show come and let us see your "walk" at the Celebration of Life Walk... that's all it takes, no audition needed!
The show is over - and it was an absolute BLAST! Find out more about what happened at our very first Rock the Runway, where over 200 people witnessed the largest and best fashion show we have done to date!
You can get your tickets for Rock The Runway Fashion Show NOW ONLINE!!
Want to participate but don't want to model? Well this is the chance you've been waiting for, volunteer! But if you want to model... we will be holding auditions on May 3, 2009! Check it out at www.rocktherunway4jesus.com

Rock The Runway website is finally launched. We are excited to be able to bring this event to the Tampa Bay Area. Read more about the Designers, Bands, and Artist that will be participating.
"No one would talk much in society if they knew how often they misunderstood others". -Von Goethe

What will people say about you after you're gone? Will they remember you as a hero or just another person who took up space in the world?
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