Message Board: General Discussions

Are there any paid models in the 40-ish age range?
The Wardrobe Wanderer
October 16, 2011 at 8:22 PM
I just got back into trying to blog a bit on my fashion blog and am wondering, are there any actual opportunities for a 39 year old mom to model? I do enjoy dressing creatively, and when I realized how many women are out there blogging about it, I thought, 'Wow, what fun!' I definitely like to dress very modestly, and I love Jesus and desire to come closer and closer to him. I am struggling very badly with financial issues at this point in my life, so am curious as to whether anyone is ever hired at my age (for modest photo shoots, that's all I'd consider). I am also a bit short at only 5'5". But, I do think that there should be some sort of outlet for ladies my age that enjoy fashion, that aren't at model height or necessarily model weight, (most women aren't - I wasn't even close until recently)so am certainly curious if anything like that is out there. :)

I know that the first blog post that you'll see is about a strapless dress, but that's just because I was excited to find that I could zip up my H.S. prom dress, lol. Strapless is definitely not the norm for me - I tend toward very modest, covered up, layered fashion (I love cooler weather fashion the most!)

Anyway, I call my fashion blog 'The Wardrobe Wanderer' and here's my link in case you'd like to pop over! I am just now trying to get back into this - if you read my post you'll understand more.

God bless - happy to find this website and forum!

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